
An e-library or Digital library is a physical site or website that provide around the clock online access to digitized books, PYQ etc. It provides free copies of books, journals, etc. available to the users. Normally these materials are classics which have no copyright digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers. The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is a type of information retrieval system. Digital Libraries are an increasingly popular research area that encompasses more than traditional information retrieval or database methods and techniques. There are many numbers of definitions.e-library. An e-library is electronic information, library organizers usage of the catalog, tag and search books, and journals. It maintains a database as the collection of e-materials and provides services in digital form. Many libraries traditionally have been repositories of local information and heritage documents such as manuscripts, rare books, maps, photographs, and paintings, etc. In university libraries, documents generated in —house such as dissertation and theses, research reports, etc. represent the intellectual strength of the institution. Libraries are developing digital repositories of such resourced and providing access to the internet or intranet access to these. Large public and academic libraries also provide up to date local information via the internet. Digital libraries are a natural progression from electronic document sharing. The main benefit of a digital library is the ability to provide around the clock, remote access to high-demand or restricted materials for multiple concurrent users. Setting up a digital library can either be done by using ‘off-the-shelf digital library products, document management products or library management products capable of digital library management or in-house system development by using open archives software. A simple definition of the digital library is ‘a library consisting of digital materials and services’. Digital materials are items that are stored, processed and transferred via digital (binary) devices and networks. Digital library services are information services that are delivered digitally over computer networks.